Ireland's only dedicated building services engineering journal
Ireland's only dedicated building services engineering journal


Paul McCormack
This is the first in a series of six articles examining the skills shortages in the construction sector, the energy efficiency gaps widening as a result of the lack of skills, and how digital transformation can help address these by changing the system. The author is Paul McCormack (right), Innovation Manager, Belfast Metropolitan College. The...
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At the recent SEAI Energy Show, a panel of BIM experts (see inset) was challenged to explain how, while digitalisation of the construction process is recognised as the way forward if we are to realise net zero objectives, BIM is the enabling tool that will make it possible. In this special report by Building Services...
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This is the final article in a series of six that have been specifically designed to inform, support and assist industry and individuals within the built environment to embrace, engage and map their individual digital transformation journey. In the first three articles we detailed the tools required by industry to build their digitalisation pathway. Articles...
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In the first three articles of this series we looked at the tools that the construction sector could avail of to build a pathway to digitalisation success. The fourth detailed the need for upskilling in the industry, and this article will outline some of the benefits that the sector can secure if it continues to...
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This is the third article in the series of six by Paul McCormack, detailing the advantages of digitalisation for the built environment and why companies must engage in the process to secure sustainable growth and success. This final piece in Part 1 of the series, “The Tools”, builds on the previous digitalisation and BIM articles...
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It is widely accepted that digitalisation is a game-changing strategy that will empower the construction sector to thrive and deliver the expertise for sustainable energy skills (see Building Services Engineering May/June 2021). In this, the second article in our Digitalisation Series, Paul McCormack, Innovation Manager, Belfast Metropolitan College, focusses on the significant role BIM has...
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Belfast Metropolitan College has been appointed project lead for another EU Horizon 2020 funded project aimed at the construction sector. Called ARISE, this new project involves nine European countries, including TU Dublin as the Republic of Ireland partner.
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