Ireland's only dedicated building services engineering journal
Ireland's only dedicated building services engineering journal


building services
Like many industries, the consulting engineering sector is currently experiencing a shortage of skilled workers, with women being significantly under-represented in this highly-skilled profession. Against this backdrop, the gender gap is both a cause for concern and an opportunity, says Inés Ferguson, President, European Federation of Engineering Consultancy Associations (EFCA),in the latest issue of Building...
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Just recently the building services industry in Ireland lost a true friend and guiding light of many years, Greg Traynor. In this appreciation Alex Foran recalls Greg's immense contribution to building services in Ireland, and accurately captures his essence as a human being, apart from his professional persona.
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The pressure is beginning to stack up as the demands of NZEB come more centre stage. The clamour for “silver bullet’” solutions is palpable as the worry of non-compliance heats up. Ironically, there is scope for significantly-reduced energy consumption from traditional good practice design that is being missed in the transition from concept to completion,...
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In this tribute by Varming Chairman, John Purcell, we celebrate the achievements of Seán Mulcahy, whose impressive engineering career spanned almost the entire second half of the 20th century, from the post-war years right up to the early dawn of the Celtic Tiger era.
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Garrett White has been appointed Managing Director of Hevac Ltd, one of the longest-established suppliers to the heating and mechanical services industry in Ireland. With a board of directors that represents over 130 years experience in the sector and a portfolio of quality, market-leading brands from all over the world, it is recognised as one...
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David Doherty has been elected Chairman of CIBSE Ireland, taking over the role from Sean Dowd who did more years than many in his various roles on the committee. David has been an active member on the CIBSE Ireland committee since 2010, having started in the role of Secretary.
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Welcome to the Golden Anniversary issue of Building Services News, marking 50 years of continuous publication. Over the last half-century the journal has evolved in tandem with developments and innovations in the industry, not just reflecting those changes but also helping to promote them and spearhead their acceptance.
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It’s 45ºC, 21% relative humidity, my shirt is stuck to my back as I stroll through the street looking for a place to eat, I’ve no accommodation or job, my money is running out and my closest friends and family are 3,680kms away back home in Ireland. This is how things were during my first...
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Are you a Main Contractor or a Sub Contractor? Relevant Contract Tax (RCT), formerly known as C45 tax, has and continues to impose a large burden on businesses in general. It applies to all manner of construction operations. The legislation defines construction operations very widely and it therefore applies to almost all of the trades,...
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Membership of the BTU Golf Society is open to everyone involved in the building services industry. Join now and enjoy the golf, the networking and the many social activities.
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