Stay safe … Stay Healthy
As you read this everyone at Building Services Engineering hopes that you are safe and healthy, and that if you have succumbed to the Covid-19 virus as some of us have, that you are comfortable and on the mend. That is obviously the foremost priority.
However, the health, productivity and profitability of business is also important and it too has been severely impacted. There are challenges ahead but, unlike the last downturn, this is a totally different scenario. The entire system – from Government to representative bodies, employers and employees – is working in unison to mitigate the impact on all.
Once over this major pandemic – and that day will come, hopefully sooner rather than later – everyone will be primed to pick up where we left off. Remember, it is but a few weeks back that Ireland was declared to be statistically in full employment. That strength, and new-found sense of unity, will see us speedily regain that position.
In the meantime we hope you enjoy the contents of this issue.