CIBSE has added an Annual BBQ to its calendar of events. It will be an informal social occasion and is open to everyone involved in building services. It will afford young engineers and their older colleagues an opportunity to meet and mix with one another, while the company will also include contractors and product suppliers. Social interaction and networking is the objective.
People can attend on their own, come as a group, or invite guests. Price is €10 per head. This includes BBQ food — chicken drumsticks, pork ribs, steak burgers and sides — plus one complementary drink.
To help with the catering, individuals attending on their own can pay €10 at the door but must email Gary McKeown at of their intent to attend by Friday, 17 July 2012.
Groups of more than five should request a booking form by email from Gary, complete the details, and return with a cheque for the appropriate amount made payable to CIBSE Republic of Ireland, region, again by Friday, 17 July 2012.