In December 2019, and after nearly five years of negotiations, the European Commission published the Single Lighting Regulation (SLR) (i.e. Ecodesign Regulation for lighting) and the Energy Labelling Regulation (ELR). The SLR and the ELR will apply from 1 September 2021, except for the removal of labelling requirements for luminaires which already took effect on 25 December 2019. Both will have significant consequences for the lighting industry, writes Elana Scaroni, Policy Director, LightingEurope.
The SLR sets product-specific performance requirements for energy-using and energy-related products, whereas the ELR lists the labelling requirements for selling these products on the EU market. In February 2021 several additional requirements and corrections were introduced in both regulations: Regulation (EU) No 2021/341 amends the SLR and Regulation (EU) 2021/340 amends the ELR.
ELR applies to light sources only, while SLR applies to light sources and separate control gear, and luminaires (now generally identified as “containing” products) are only addressed indirectly. Nevertheless, luminaire manufacturers must review the rules and ensure their products comply with the new requirements.
LightingEurope has published three sets of guidelines – on the SLR, the ELR and on the EPREL obligations for light sources – to help companies understand and apply the new rules to their products. Members of LightingEurope and their member lighting associations benefit from free access to the guidelines; members of the Lighting Association of Ireland can contact the organisation to get their free access code.
See PDF of full article at LightingEurope