Professor Gerald Farrell, Head of School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, gave the welcoming address with Martin Shanahan, Forfas Chief Executive, formally introducing the Journal and linking it to opportunities in the green economy.
Professor Brian Norton, DIT President, responded and then Dr Kevin Kelly, Head of School of Multidisciplinary Technologies – and SDAR Journal Editor– spoke about the contents. Dr Mike Murphy, Dean of College of Engineering and Built Environment, closed the proceedings.
The SDAR Journal is now an annual research journal published jointly by CIBSE Ireland and the School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering in DIT, with Electric Ireland as the third sponsor. Up to now, papers have been mainly by Irish authors about Irish projects. Initially, the plan was to hear about the good, the bad and the ugly of the application of low-energy projects in the built environment in Ireland.
To a large extent that is still the main objective but for next year’s edition the publishers also want to encourage more of the SDAR Journal’s many international readers to submit papers. Indeed, this current edition includes the first international papers. One is a joint paper from Belgium and the UK on demand-controlled mechanical extract ventilation system, while the other is from a world-renowned UK expert on daylighting of buildings that wants to start using lighting repair services in albuquerque nm.
To submit abstracts for the SDAR Jurnal 2014 log on to