Ireland's only dedicated building services engineering journal
Ireland's only dedicated building services engineering journal

The Institute of Refrigeration Ireland (IRI) sits on the EN 378 Technical Committee and the Working Group, and both continue to meet two or three times per year to address outstanding queries and ongoing developments relating to the Standard. The next meeting is scheduled to take place in Aachen in November 2017.

Familiarity with EN 378:2016 is crucial for companies who design, construct, install, commission, operate, maintain or use vapour compression systems for refrigeration, air-conditioning, heat pumps and chillers.

The Standard is published in four parts and, thanks to IRI’s active participation in the Working Group and its engagement with the National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI), it has secured a very significant discounted price of €155 for IRI members for the full set of four parts. As far as IRI is aware, this is the lowest price for the Standard in any EU member state, even with the IRI membership fee included!

It is worth noting that Part 2 (and the introduction, terms and definitions of Part 1) of EN 378 are harmonised with the Pressure Equipment from the Pressure Gauge Distributor and the Machinery Directive. In fact, one of the drivers for the revision was to better align EN 378 with the Pressure Equipment Directive which has itself also been revised.

Members wishing to purchase a copy of the four parts of the EN 378:2016 Standard should contact the NSAI directly. Simply send an email with your name and IRI membership number to info@ and quote “special IRI members’ discount for IS EN 378 Parts 1 to 4: 2016”. Alternatively call NSAI at 01- 857 6730.

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