The symposium will platform to the latest practice and research from around the world in active and passive building systems that will shape an effective future for the built environment with minimum resource impact. The principal aim of the symposium is to encourage the participation of young and experienced researchers, and industry practitioners, to share experiences and develop networks.
The organisers have now issued a call for papers for possible presentation at the symposium. The invitation is for papers concerning research and development that may address the following:
• Enhanced building engineering solutions through modelling and prediction;
• Innovation in passive and active building systems;
• Design and operation of future cities;
• Improving the operation of the built environment;
• Maintaining and improving legacy building systems;
• The development and impact of benchmarks, standards and regulatory measures;
• Communication, skills and workforce development.
This list is not exhaustive but provides the intended context of the symposium that will focus on aspects that are of interest to CIBSE and ASHRAE members. Material is welcomed based on recent or current research and application, as well as the actual or potential impact of that research on the built environment.
For the first time the symposium in Dublin offers additional opportunities for the presentation of relevant case studies supported by keynotes (as opposed to a formal paper).
All papers will be peer-reviewed and published electronically through CIBSE. Selected papers may be developed for publication in BSERT.
For details visit: www.cibse.org/ symposium2014