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Ireland's only dedicated building services engineering journal

Industry Supports Laura Lynn Hospice

As part of the Arup in the community initiative, Arup recently undertook professional design and construction services for a new parent’s room extension at the Laura Lynn Childrens’ Hospice in Dublin on a voluntary basis.

This has now been completed and further works are currently underway to upgrade the ventilation system in the nurses’ office and guest bedrooms.

Lindab and Vent Axia Ireland are generously donating two new heat recovery units, ducting and ancillaries to upgrade the systems, while Treysta Building Services are carrying out the installation of the units, again all on a voluntary basis.

Pictured at the Laura Lynn Childrens’ Hospice site meeting in Dublin recently were Barry Murphy, Vent Axia with Damien Flynn, Arup; Trevor Hammond, LauraLynn; Des O’Brien, Lindab, and Kevin Kelly, Treysta Building Services

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