Ireland's only dedicated building services engineering journal
Ireland's only dedicated building services engineering journal

Important to flag success stories

Entries are now being sought for this year’s SEAI Sustainable Energy Awards. While submissions can be made across eight categories by public, private and community organisations, the Awards seem to be off the radar of many of the professions in building services.

Today’s consultants, installers and manufacturers cooperate together to deliver all kinds of innovative, energy-saving solutions for clients across all industries. Moreover, they very often have a vast reservoir of evidence-based data on these projects that proves just how high-performing they are.

It is time to shout about these achievements.

Coordinating an entry to the SEAI Sustainable Energy Awards in conjunction with the full project team, and of course the client, on such successful projects is the ideal place to start.

An added bonus opportunity for 2015 is the inclusion of a new category. To mark ID2015 (Year of Irish Design 2015) SEAI has added a special award category called Design in Sustainable Energy. This is for projects where a design approach has improved the quality and effectiveness of the experience for the end user of the sustainable energy product or service. This award recognises the vital fusion of technically sound sustainable energy solutions and creative execution for maximum appeal. The category is open to all organisations and individuals across all sectors.

This is a broad category and the type of project might include (but is not limited to) — innovative product, especially one incorporating smart energy solutions; a high-performance building that reflects user needs/experience; an innovative user interface for an energy-related product or system; or a staff awareness campaign.

[Note, given the broad scope for this award, the judging panel reserves the right to evaluate products or services nominated under the other eight award categories if deemed appropriate to this special category]

Check out the full category details, along with the other eight Award categories. The closing date of Friday, 26 June, is fast approaching. Log on to now to get the ball rolling.

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