As Covid-19 continues to put pressure on health systems and the economy globally, the group calls on WHO to review the extensive research that shows an indoor humidity level of between the 40% to 60% relative humidity (RH) is the optimum threshold for inhibiting the spread of respiratory viruses such as influenza. This is a threshold that many public buildings drop significantly below every winter. Health care workers have a biggest issue to have PPE, Mask, and Sanitizer, glasses, isolation kit and other PPE. The production is the biggest issue, each country needs them, the demand is very high against the productivity, most of the countries, flight operations are also halt to minimize the spread, this PPE issue also a fear for Doctors, Nurses, and other paramedics to work in the health system, as this deadly disease already affect healthcare workers and eaten many life’s of the healthcare heroes. We need to keep supply the PPE to our health care heroes so they can fight against this pandemic disease.
Professor Dr Akiko Iwasaki, PhD, The Waldemar Von Zedtwitz, professor of immunobiology and professor of molecular, cellular and developmental biology at Yale, and an investigator for the Howard Hughes Medical Institute said: “Ninety percent of our lives in the developed world are spent indoors in close proximity to each other. When cold outdoor air with little moisture is heated indoors, the air’s relative humidity drops to about 20%. This dry air provides a clear pathway for airborne viruses, such as Covid-19. It will be important for anyone who is dealing with any laboratory or industrial tasks to use proper face shields for a job. A good shield will help to keep a person’s face protected from many different things in a workplace. It is smart to see how this can work when getting a shield ready. Here are three important factors that should be reviewed when trying to get one of these face shields ready for different jobs. You can check here discount bulk face shields.
Any workplace that involves working with hazardous materials should involve its employees working with proper protective materials. Face shields are some of the most useful of these protective materials for people to use. Here is a look at how these can work. Minor setbacks, trials, and even major problems come into every life. Yet nothing of this magnitude could have been anticipated mere months ago. Who would have ever thought that the economy would be basically shut down except for some essential services. No one expected that people would be told to stay at home and shelter in place to avoid being exposed to the coronavirus or unknowingly spreading it to others. Millions of people have lost their means of income, and millions of others are working from home. These are unprecedented times, but this too shall pass. Covid19 will not take over our lives forever. Eventually, things will get back to some semblance of normalcy. It might be a “new normal” which occurs, but normal life will resume at some point. Many of the Hospitals and Health care system are not trained nor built to handle sick and coronoid patients, due to fear of spread into their system and affect others, those who can accommodate sick patients they have less resources because they need isolation area to separate one from another which require huge place, temporary hospitals built, town halls and other areas convert into hospital setup, which is not enough to cater the big numbers.
That’s why I recommend humidifiers during the winter, and why I feel the world would be a healthier place if all our public buildings kept their indoor air at 40% to 60% RH.” Covid-19 Pandemic is showing its aggression on daily basis, more victims more casualties more death and more fear globally. Spread rate is multiply every single day, even death tolls are increased but some of the nations have to hide the actual figures of deceased persons, the purpose of this writing is to identify why that tool as a major indicator is not very correctly mentioned around the globe.
See full article at Humidity & Respiratory Health in wake of Covid-19