Ireland's only dedicated building services engineering journal
Ireland's only dedicated building services engineering journal

Grundfos iSolutions Nationwide Roadshow

To fully explain iSolutions, Grundfos is hosting a series of nationwide exhibitions at which it will demonstrate the iSolutions concept and explore how modern products and system optimisation can save energy in existing systems or future projects.

The exhibitions will feature working models where, together with Grundfos engineers, visitors will be able to explore how the unique functionality of these advanced products can deliver energy savings. It is also possible to arrange a site-specific pump survey or pump audit where Grundfos can evaluate the potential energy.

To visit Grundfos iSolutions at a location near you register your interest by responding to at

ISolutions roadshow venues and dates

Galway 16th & 17th (Wednesday and Thursday) — The Connacht Hotel, Galway

Limerick 22nd & 23rd (Tuesday and Wednesday) — The Radisson Blu Hotel, Limerick

Cork 6th & 7th (Tuesday and Wednesday) — The Radisson Blu Hotel, Cork

Dublin 13th & 14th (Tuesday and Wednesday) — Red Cow Moran Hotel, Dublin


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