Ireland's only dedicated building services engineering journal
Ireland's only dedicated building services engineering journal

Thomas Dolan, winner of the inaugural CIBSE YEN virtual quiz.

Dolan CIBSE Quiz Night Champion

The inaugural CIBSE YEN virtual quiz took place last month with participants taking part from CIBSE regions all around the world. The event was part of the current CIBSE initiative to welcome a broader audience for regional events, and to encourage cross-regional collaboration as geographic locations are no longer a barrier for participation, now that these events are taking place online.

With that in mind, the CIBSE YEN Ireland region hosted the first online CIBSE virtual quiz with CIBSE YEN Ireland Chair, Ryan Loney, assuming the role of host and quasi quizmaster for the event. In his introduction Ryan welcomed members from regions all over the world, and these included the CIBSE YEN Global Chair, Rebecca Neil and Vice Chair Gemma Taylor, who both took part in the event.

The quiz itself consisted of 71 questions with an eclectic mix of 1990s music, movie theme tunes, famous buildings, “name the app” and, what proved to be the most difficult round, “name the valve”. This turned out to be the unravelling of a number of contestants who showed some early promise, only to be undone by not knowing their strainer from their fixed orifice double regulating valve!

See full story at CIBSE Quiz edit

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