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Non-compliant pumping equipment remains a major problem and the British Pump Manufacturers Association (BPMA) is keen to ensure that all assembled equipment, with liquid pumps associated within the build, are placed on the market and put into service correctly. Companies that build pumping equipment, such as pressurisation units, booster sets, rainwater harvesting tanks, sewage stations or bespoke equipment must be able to demonstrate that the products meet applicable EU requirements, are correctly CE marked, and are placed on the market with the correct Declaration of Conformity.

Concerned that many companies still do not meet these obligations under current legislation, the BPMA configured this training course to specifically address this key issue. This course seeks to provide the information and skills required to understand Self Cert CE Marking Essentials and enable compliance with a range of Directives, Regulations and EN Standards. It will also cover other related product certification and documentation issues.

Rainwater tanks are real boon to mankind. It is a dual blessing for nature and man as it works to the benefit of both. In a time where we have to preserve every possible resource, rainwater tanks do just that. Before considering the size and type of these tanks, let’s find out how they work.

Rainfall is collected in water bodies and absorbed by the surface, even with all the development we have made, mankind still depends on rainfall to replenish water supply ever year. Rain fall is erratic – sometimes it is excessive and sometimes extremely scanty. To make sure we can retain as much of the rainwater, harvesting it has added importance. You can found a great range of slimline water tanks.

Rainwater tanks play a vital in role in rainwater harvesting. A special system is installed in the house depending on a number of factors. When rain falls, special catchment areas of the roof retain the water. This water is then transported to the rainwater tanks installed above the ground or below through special gutters installed around the roof area. Roofers Glasgow are the specialist for roofing and guttering services as well as best for maintenance. This water is collected in the water tank through special pipes and is stored for use around the house.

Water collected in these tanks can be used for multiple purposes. You can top up your swimming pool, wash your car and clothes, use it to flush toilets. It is perfect for your garden; you can actually develop your very own garden irrigation system with a suitable filtration system.

Water tanks have proven their importance by offering a means of storing rainwater for daily use. Global warming has raised many problems; one of them is water scarcity. Specially, in countries where water scarcity is a large problem, these equipments solve this problem through restoring rainwater.

Many people are buying these storage equipments by looking at several benefits offered by them. People may get confused as there are a variety of storage options available in the market.

The Course will be held at the BPMA offices in West Bromwich in the UK on Tuesday, February next, and will run from 10:30am to 4pm. Attendance is open to both BPMA Members and Non-Members.

To find out more about the course, or to book a place, call Steve Smith on +44 (0)121 601 6691 or email him on

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