To many, the metaverse is a new word, a concept born of the internet age, a distant and scary place to contemplate visiting. In reality, however, the first recorded use of the word was in Neal Stephenson’s 1992 novel, Snow Crash. In the novel, the protagonist, Hiro, moves in and out of a place called...Read More
Today, light pollution is one of the fastest-growing forms of pollution on the planet. It is growing at a rate twice that of the population growth. That yellow/white hue which bleeds from a distance into the dark night sky is a familiar foe with 99% of the population in Europe and North America, writes Aimee...Read More
John Sheelan is an ex-tradesman who had been heavily involved ina family-run business servicing the bio-medical, pharmaceutical and semi-conductor industries since 1996. During those years he received great exposure from his father’s teachings within the sector. He started off as a general operative, progressed to a welder, then fitter/cleanroom installer, then to a contract manager...Read More